A Natural Hormone Made in the Body - One of the beautiful things about 1-AD is that in addition to its impressive pharmacological activity, it is also a natural androgen made in the human body. This means that it is not foreign to your body, and that it can legally and openly be sold as a nutritional supplement. Furthermore, 1-AD’s high rate of active conversion after oral administration is not just a “theory” of ErgoPharm’s – it has been demonstrated and published in a highly reputable peer reviewed journal.
The Power of 1-Testosterone- You probably are familiar with the “Andro” andro, and the “Norandro” andro. The former convert to testosterone and the latter to 19-nortestosterone. 1-AD, however, does not fit into either of those categories. That is because 1-AD converts to a relatively unheard of hormone called 1-testosterone. 1-testosterone is what is known as a “double bond isomer” of testosterone.
Although chemically the only difference between testosterone and 1-testosterone is the position of the double bond, pharmacologically the two products are quite different. According to research done by the pharmaceutical giant G.D. Searle and published in the 1960s, 1-testosterone is over 7 times as myotrophic (anabolic) as testosterone.
The Only Truly “Orally Active” Prohormone- Natural androgenic steroids are normally not very active orally. Large amounts have to be taken orally to see biological effects. This is because the first pass through the liver causes a massive deactivation of the compounds, primarily through the oxidation of the 17beta-hydroxyl to a 17-keto group. Chemists long ago found that by adding an alkyl (methyl or ethyl) chemical group to the alpha position of the 17 carbon, this oxidation can be prevented. However, this alkyl derivatization also greatly increases the liver toxicity.
Luckily, there are other ways to render a steroid orally active, and do so without making the compound toxic to the liver. Certain structural modifications can alter the metabolism of steroids making them resistant to liver breakdown. One of these modifications is unsaturation (presence of a double bond) in the 1-position. One steroid that has this structural modification and is orally active is the anabolic steroid Methenolone, also known as Primobolan.
Note: This product has been discontinued
Andro Banned
Senate Bill 2195 also called the Andro Ban was passed by unanimous consent in the United States Senate on October 8th, 2004 and has been signed into law by President Bush.
By passing this bill, the Congress has amended the Controlled Substances Act to include virtually all of these supplements. The Controlled Substances Act was passed in 1990 and at that time all steroids were classifed as "Schedule III" substances and were put in the same category as heroin, cocaine and other similar narcotics. Now, with the passage of Senate Bill 2195, they have added andro supplements and prohormones to the Controlled Substances Act.
New Legal Andro-Genic Supplement
Testosterone Boosting Stack
New formula may be even more powerfull then banned Andro products, yet even safer. Our New Andro-Shock is an Androgenic Formula Testosterone Booster that contains no illegal ingredients.

Andro Shock may be the most potent legal testosterone support stack sold as a safe alternative
to steroids with 9 dietary supplement ingredients that are believed to help boost your body's own natural testosterone levels.
The total benefits of the Andro Shock supplement are
synergistic, meaning when certain supplements are combined, their
overall net effects may be enhanced.
What's In It?
Each serving contains:
Tribulus Terrestris 750mg, Magnesium Oxide 200mg, Chrysin 75mg, Horny Goat Weed 50mg, Longjack 50mg, Saw Palmetto Berries 50mg, Hawthorn Berries 50mg, Cissus Quadrangularis 50mg, and Zinc Oxide 30mg.
Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement, take three (3) capsules before bedtime, or as directed by your qualified health consultant.
Who Should NOT Take It?
Not for use by anyone under the age of 21, women, or men with prostate disease. If you are taking any prescription medication or are under medical care for any disease, please consult your physician before taking this product.
* If you live outside the U.S. check to see if these products are legal in
your country.
Andro Shock 90 Capsules
Now Only $69.95 plus $5.00 S&H
($74.95 Total)
And if you order now, you'll get the special report, "How To Raise
Testosterone Levels Naturally". Shows you how to train, diet, etc. to
support maximum testosterone levels, a $20 value, absolutely FREE!
Or to order by phone:
Call 1-503-648-1898
10 am to 6 pm PST
The information presented
is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made
have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S.). This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition
or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner
regarding any suggestions and recommendations made.
Copyright Wholesale-Andro.com 1999-2023