By Darren
O Connell
The dreaded spare tire. We all hate the
belly fat we tend to gain as we get older. Metabolism decreases as we age, and
one area we all tend to get extra weight storage is in the abdomen area. So how
do we combat that? What is the secret to a flat stomach?
Well, first of all, within the world of
exercise, there is no magic remedy for weight loss, particularly spot reduction
weight loss. Simply doing a thousand or a million crunches a day will not melt
that waistline. The key is to incorporate cardio, aerobic exercises to your
regiment, along with your million crunches. You have to burn the excess fat
before you can build the muscle.
Yes, there is that awful ‘e’ word again.
Exercise. Get used to hearing it. Get used to doing it. Exercise is the only
way to weight loss. Not to be outdone by exercise, you need to bring weight
training into the mix as well. Building muscles will help you burn more
calories and fat will at rest. How is this? Increased muscle mass requires more
fuel for maintenance during periods of rest, so by building more lean muscle
mass, you can increase your fat and caloric burning while at rest.
You will also need a healthy diet. Eating
properly and not consuming high caloric, high fat foods will help you lose the
weight you want. Eating a diet high in fiber, fruit, vegetables and lean meat
will adjust your body into discovering alternate means of fuel, which means it
will begin to eat away the fat you have stored. Try to stay away from sugary, enriched
and processed foods as they can derail a diet and exercise program quickly.
Remember that fat storage is generally caused by an excess of sugar in the
body. When you eat a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates, your body converts
them into sugars then stores them for future energy sources. Extra sugar means
extra fat storage, which means an ever expanding waistline.
There are means to spot reduce which are
not always the healthiest. You could seek out medical attention, if you are so
inclined. Certain procedures claim to help with weight loss and resculpting the
body, but it means an invasive surgery that could end up doing more harm than
good to your body. When making the decision to go in for cosmetic surgery,
research your doctors, get referrals, and do not make your decision quickly.
Take time to think it through, because you are leaving your life in someone
else’s hands. The safest, healthiest way to lose the weight is through diet and
exercise. The quick fix is costly, painful and could provide unsatisfactorary
It will be difficult to begin with; no
process is going to be easy to begin with. You will be sore when you begin your
exercise program, but once you get into the habit, you will find that you enjoy
and actually miss your exercising program when you can’t get to it.
Darren O Connell – Health Fitness
Muslce-building and Fatloss
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The information presented
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have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S.). This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition
or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner
regarding any suggestions and recommendations made.
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